Painter and writer

She is a woman with a determined step. We stopped her dead in her tracks at the bottom of rue Vieille du Temple. We had to tame her, explain who we were, then she told us about herself. Muriel has lived in the Marais for a quarter of a century. When he arrived, the neighborhood was still “popular”, decrepit, industrious with its artisans, neither bobo nor trendy. Although in the center of Paris, the Marais was apart, apart. That's what attracted this artist. According to this resident of the 4th arrondissement, “The neighborhood has become a little less secret, less clandestine, less Jewish, less Chinese, less gay, with fewer wholesalers, in a word: less mysterious. »

Shorts – Etam

Jacket – Maje

Jackets –Max Mara

Shoes – Pataugas

Bag – Jamin Puech

Scarf – Antoine and Lili

Text: Katia Barillot – Instagram
Photos: ©Anaïs Costet – Instagram




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