Dogo Store Manager
See David and retrace your steps to check that you weren't dreaming. See him again to believe that, yes, this man is really a strange zebra who does not fear the gaze of others.
Eccentric like Alexander McQueen, David makes, just like the Englishman, his own clothes which he wears and markets under his brand… Vomidechat.
Our young man, who defines himself as a “pink alien”, is incidentally the manager of a shoe store, rue des Rosiers, but above all an activist. His fight ? “Let everyone be able to dress as they want.”
As an employer, he doesn't care much about the appearance of the people on his team. “What interests me is the personality itself.”
His forehead tattoo depicts the unaloma, a Buddhist sign that symbolizes spiritual awakening. And he dyes his mustache with colored mascara. His locker room? Only one rule: David only wears pink 365 days a year.
Sweat - H&M
Long shorts – Savage couture
Boots –Dogo
Ear expander –Dad’s Woodworking
Piercing – Body staff
Tattoos – Body staff

Text: Katia Barillot
Photos: ©Anaïs Costet