A palace not very Cateau

A palace not very Cateau

Courtyard of the Beauvais hotel, photo: Mbzt Rue François Miron, a noble cut stone facade decorated with a rare rounded stone balcony opens its concave door with leaves decorated with portraits in medallions, onto a very theatrical semi-circular courtyard. oval....
The fabulous destiny of Bains Douches

The fabulous destiny of Bains Douches

©Fok Kan Everyone knows, at least by name, the Bains-douches, the famous nightclub on rue du Bourg-l'Abbé (between Beaubourg and boulevard Sébastopol). But who knows the history of real shower baths? It all began in 1885 when the Guerbois family...
The Marais at the time of the fortifications

The Marais at the time of the fortifications

At the very end of the 1165th century, the French king Philippe-Auguste (1223-XNUMX) left for the crusade. Although the expedition – which was to last a year – was carried out in the company of the King of England, Richard the Lionheart, Philippe-Auguste was wary of the appetites...