Born in April 2021 on social networks, the #saccageparis movement took off like fire in the bush. Behind the title of this slightly outrageous hashtag hides, in Paris, a community of Twitter users who claim to be apolitical and intend to “highlight the dysfunctions and mismanagement of the city of Paris”. It is also about “proposing concrete actions”.
In the Marais, it’s Patrick Aboukrat – creator ofSupplier entry and in 1993 Abu of Abi Bazar three years later – who is its spokesperson with, behind him, “more than 100 traders and as many spontaneous rallies”, he says. At the head of a “Marais Paris committee”, he drew up a list of his grievances.
First criticism: the closure of rue de Rivoli. “The transformation of this east-west axis into a cycle path reduced the value of business assets because the street ceased to be busy, except for cyclists. »
Second problem: pedestrianization. “It’s the epitome of a false good idea. It looks nice on paper, but in reality it drags the district down by attracting a less chic public,” says Aboukrat, who cites the example of the Les Halles district. “Pedestrian zones change the clientele, the average ticket is lower and tastes are different,” he adds.
Moreover, pedestrianization does not reduce noise pollution, as shown by the examples of the Montorgueil district (2nd), where the noise is permanent, or that of rue de la Huchette (5th) in the Latin Quarter. “The closure to traffic of a portion of rue du Temple, where a metro entrance appeared some time ago, is an additional example: the street has already changed… for a worse. »
A few years ago, these same reasons led the inhabitants of Ile-Saint-Louis (4th) to mobilize when the PS mayor of the district Dominique Bertinotti (2001-2012) launched the idea of pedestrianization of rue Saint-Louis-en-l’Isle. The islanders had won their case and the street was not pedestrianized.
Third complaint: the excessive “anti-car policy” of Anne Hidalgo’s team “discourages customers from Paris West who come less to the Marais,” adds Aboukrat. “This also deters taxis and VTCs. Traders feel it and complain about it,” he says. “The Place de la Bastille has created hell. It is impossible to enter and exit the Marais because of this new traffic junction which prevents access. I even have to wait until late in the evening to deliver or collect goods myself that I cannot carry under my arm! »
Finally, the boss of Abou d'Abi Bazar and the traders he represents consider themselves poorly taken into consideration by the municipality of Paris and Paris Center. “We are not listened to and have the feeling that elected officials do not understand us,” concludes Patrick Aboukrat, who had #saccageparis t-shirts printed parodying the Supreme brand logo.
Text: Katia Barillot