You immediately feel at home at Bonnard where you are welcomed by Elise, the French-American hostess, chic and relaxed, in a decor where wood and stone predominate. This is because, here, everything is natural: the decor, the people, the organic wines, the seasonal cuisine. Welcome, then, to rue des Gravilliers, to a gourmet and vegetarian restaurant halfway between cool and epicurean, which defies the idea that “vegetarian” equals “boring”.

On the contrary, we feel that in the kitchen, the chef is having fun. And he has a job. It must be said that this thirty-year-old has a rather free spirit. After several years with stars, our man took a professional break. “At the time, I lived in a shared apartment with fifteen people and I cooked for everyone,” says our animal, who is also not vegetarian. “It made me want to return to my profession, and Bonnard got me back on track. »
What pleases him, he says again, “is to please others. » With its starters (12 to 16 euros), it’s a success. That day, one ordered a Jerusalem artichoke velouté with Madagascar vanilla with Jerusalem artichoke chips; the other opted for the broccoli tartare, lime, kiwi, mint, vegetable mayonnaise, Granny Smith apple jelly. Interesting. The main courses (24 euros) were also stimulating: potato gnocchi with hazelnut for one, roast cauliflower with pear for the other. Surprising, just like the desserts (12 euros): pear poached in spiced wine with crumble or butternut cake, vegetable vanilla cream and lemon curd.

For a vegetarian it is a treat which, as a bonus, satiates his man (or his woman). And non-vegetarians leave this Maraisian address pleasantly surprised.
▼ Bonnard
18 Rue des Gravilliers, 75003 Paris
Tuesday to Friday 19 a.m. to 23:30 p.m.
Saturday from 12 p.m. to 15 p.m. and from 19 p.m. to midnight
Closed Monday and Sunday
Tel: +01 45 31 89 60

Text: Katia Barillot