It is not good news. Paris is losing residents. From 2012 to 2017, the capital lost 53.000 inhabitants, or around 11.000 each year. The trend is all the more significant as during the previous five years, she earned 10.000 per year.

Most of the districts are affected, starting with the 34rd (115 inhabitants as of January 1, 2020) which has lost 5,2% of its population in five years. This is the biggest decline in Paris, after the 10th (minus 6,7%), the 5,4nd (minus 4,9%) and the XNUMXth (minus XNUMX%). And just ahead of the XNUMXth and XNUMXst arrondissements (minus XNUMX% each).

For the Marais, the good news comes from the 1,1th arrondissement, whose population is increasing by +2.187.000%. Taken as a whole, Paris, which has 2,4 inhabitants, fell by minus XNUMX%.

What happened ? The phenomenon is partly linked to the decline in the birth rate. Which suggests that rents in the capital are no longer affordable for young couples. In some schools, classes are threatened with closure.

Another fact to take into account is that more and more housing is vacant. In Paris, only 82% of housing is primary residence. This is 3,3 points less than five years ago. A decline which is partly explained by the phenomenon of rentals of furnished tourist accommodation such as Airbnb. Very regrettable.

Text: Katia Barillot




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