Hotel Sookie, © Nicolas Anetson
Standing out in the most popular district of Paris, already richly equipped with hotel establishments, is not an easy thing. Yet Hotel Sookie did it.
At the end of confinement, the Madého group, which owns around ten hotels, renovated and upgraded a pre-existing hotel to make it a 4-star in Haut-Marais.

Sookie Hotel Room
With its neo-vintage decor, the Sookie looks like a house of good friends that jazzman Grant Green, prodigious interpreter of Sookie Sookie (a piece that everyone knows without knowing it), would not have denied.
The swaying air inspired the architects Dorothée Delaye and Daphné Desjeux who restored luster to this building on rue des Commines which housed, in the XNUMXth century, the convent of the Filles du Calvaires.
This perhaps explains it: three centuries later, a certain serenity still permeates the place – a perfect place to cut yourself off from the city while still being right there.

“Le Sookie welcomes you to the heart of the Marais, in the most beautiful neighborhood in the world”
Organic materials perhaps have something to do with it: old stone, wooden beams but also marble, bamboo.
Muted or bright shades, but always organic, also soothe: sandstone, almond, tobacco, sienna, beige. The decor is worked with care. On the walls we notice photos from the Incognito gallery.
For residents of the neighborhood who will not have the opportunity to enjoy the 31 rooms, there is still the coffee shop, a small space ideal for an intimate brunch, tea time with homemade babka or a drink before going to dinner at Mary Céleste. , just in front.
Hotel Sookie
2 bis rue Commines, 75003 Paris
Such. : 01 40 29 01 33.

Sookie's coffee shop
Text: Katia Barillot