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Animato Dance Art Child Workshop

23th October, 2023 - 27th October, 2023


Then we dance ? Yes, and not with just anyone! During the holidays of All Saints, the Nadine Bommer Dance Academy company takes up residence at Marais Dance Center, where we move our hips in a thousand ways, always with grace and good humor.

Du October 23 to November 3 children aged 8 to 12 and 13 to 18 will be able to learn the incredible gestural language centered on the infinite movement of the sea, developed by Nadine Bommer, a famous choreographer including Antoine Carrance, the director of the Center, praises the technique close to the Batsheva movement.

End of year show at Nadine Bommer's school


Start :
23th October, 2023
End :
27th October, 2023
Event Categories:
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Marais Dance Center
41 Temple Street
Paris, 75004 France
+ Google Map



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