This man is a monument. And his exceptional testimony has the value of a historical document. Because Jean Bouquin, the director of Déjazet, is an extraordinary character.
Son of a washerwoman from rue du Pont-aux-Choux (3rd), he knew Jean Vilar, Jackie Kennedy, Coluche, Alain Delon and many other celebrities. Former couturier to Brigitte Bardot, converted to theater for forty years, this lover of the Marais speaks of his native neighborhood like no other.
A story ? No, a declaration of love. Because for him the marsh is a paradise. Which, logically, makes him a “Child of Paradise” to use the title of the film by Marcel Carné, the interior scenes of which were, precisely, filmed at the Déjazet in 1943.
With a surname like his – Jean Bouquin – it was also logical that he spoke “as an open book” about his life, his theater and especially about “his” Marais. And this, with unparalleled precision, joviality and earthiness.
His words carry us for fifteen minutes which seem like five. Better: with this video, rich in anecdotes, Jean Bouquin proves that a fifteen-minute still shot is worth the best action films.