Photo : MFonzatti
Twelve days before the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games, the Olympic flame will cross Paris up and down for two days, not forgetting any district, on July 14 and 15.
She will come in the Marais on July 14 in the afternoon from 16 hours approximately and until 16:46 p.m. sharp.
Starting from the Sorbonne (5th arrondissement), the torchbearers will travel along rue des Ecoles, then follow the left bank quays in the opposite direction, from the Arab World Institute (see map). At 15:50 p.m., the flame will be on the Notre-Dame square. At 15:55 p.m., it will cross the Pont Notre Dame to enter the right bank, in the 4th arrondissement. The runners will then run along the Quai de l'Hôtel-de-Ville, before going up part of the rue Vieille-du-Temple, then turning right into the rue des Francs-Bourgeois up to the Place des Vosges, in front of the Maison de Victor Hugo, final destination of this stage.
After a short break, the flame will leave Place des Vosges at 17:05 p.m., direction Bastille, then cross the 11th arrondissement (boulevard Richard Lenoir), pass in front of the Bataclan and direction the 10th arrondissement: Gares de l'Est and du Nord , then avenue Trudaine (9th).
The flame, symbol of peace, unity and friendship between peoples, is the first great festive moment of the Games. It brings together all those who come together to see it pass with its 10 scouts, known or not, who will have the honor of carrying it.
During the night of July 14 to 15, she will stay at City Hall. She will leave again on the evening of July 15 to travel the rest of France. It will end its journey on the 26th for the opening ceremony in Paris and the lighting of the Olympic cauldron.
The July 26 route is confidential because it is part of the opening ceremony.
The July 14 and 15 sites are accessible to pedestrians, without restrictions.

Text: Axel G.